Mick Gentleman was born in Canberra and raised his three children in Tuggeranong where he continues to have strong ties to the local community.
Mick has also served on many boards in the community sector; he has previously been the President of the Tuggeranong Arts Centre and a member of the board of the Canberra Men’s Centre. He has also been involved in the White Ribbon Foundation for seven years and works hard to bring awareness and action to stop violence against women.
Mick has worked previously in the Legislative Assembly; he was the Chair of the Planning and Environment Committee, Assistant Speaker and as a private member, introduced the territories very successful Solar Feed-In-Tariff.
Mick Gentleman is committed to Canberra, its community and its environment. He wants to see improvements in community services for Canberrans including improved traffic conditions, closer emergency and health services for the Lanyon Valley and the Tuggeranong community.